Saturday, August 27, 2011

Texture Shading_Render_WIP_Lindburg_Face

This is just a quick Render in Mental Ray.

Texture_shading_Mudbox_Lindburg_Face Wip

So i brought this head model From Maya into Mud box where i painted a diffuse and bump layer.

 I UV mapped this model and now it's ready for texture and painting.
 I built this lo polygon gun to test out normal mapping.
 Here's my gun in Mud Box with a paint layer on it, just for testing.
The bump/Normal was made in Photoshop using NDo action i found online.
 Just for fun, I render this in Mental Ray nothing special. Super lo poly.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Texture Shading_Test Renders WIP LinndBurg

So i'm rebuilding the body of this model because the last one didn't have enough detail.
These are test render. no normal or bump maps applied yet.

I brought the jacket model into Autodesk Mudbox to add some detail .
I hardly use  Mud box so  it took some time to get use to sculpting. Fortunately its  it not  difficult to use.
 The first 3 images are screenshots.  The forth is a test render with a normal map applied to it. Normal maps are pretty much  a kind of a bump map. Normal Maps are use frequently in gaming . Lights travel in and out of a normal map image as though it is real geometry, you get  more dimension.
The last image is a normal map i extracted from the jacket i sculpted in Mud box.
 it a test.
I needed to figure out how to extracted an use it. 
So no problem.

I just wanted to test the sub surface scatter effect on the skin.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Poly mesh _Charles Lindburg

Charles Lindburg Model

I created blend shapes to have a little fun and change the models expression.
There is a some expression change in the movie above adjusted by a whole bunch of slider controls i created, but the whole point of the movie is just to show clean model construction.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

PolyMesh_Oakley sunglasses

This is a finish Mesh of my Oakley Race Jacket sunglasses.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Polygon Mesh Oakley RaceJacket sunglasses WIP

This is my Oakley Race Jacket sun glass.
I just built this today. Theses are my favorite sun glasses.